Welcome to Rurápolis

Rurápolis is more than one entity

It is a meeting point for people interested in innovation in the rural world in the consumption of goods produced responsibly, in undertaking further actions towards improving the quality of one of our most important assets, often neglected: environment.

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In Rurápolis, we’re work to help the sustainable development of rural areas and promoting diversity, nature, culture and tradition.

Our main goal is advise rural enterprises to promote innovative business models that benefit future generations. To do Partners multiple institutions and a wide team of consultants highly qualified.

The rural world possesses great delicacies and unique places to discover. In our on-line store offers a wide selection of experiences Rural tourism (Ruratrip) and products gourmet (Rurashop) with which we seek fair returns for small craft enterprises.

Innovation and technology are the two pillars that always accompany us. In our shop Ruraphone we offer you the latest mobile devices to work in the toughest conditions in rural areas.


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If you want to know all about the conferences, legislation, subsidies and other interesting information about our countryside (healthy products, rural tourism, etc.), give us your Email address and we'll keep you up to date with new developments.


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Subscribe to our newsletter

If you want to know all about the conferences, legislation, subsidies and other interesting information about our countryside (healthy products, rural tourism, etc.), give us your Email address and we'll keep you up to date with new developments.